Sustainable Salt Initiative (SSI)

WIT Advisers, SIMA, and Viaesys are working together to research application rates for snow professionals in real-world settings. This information will be coupled with research conducted by Snow and Ice Control for Parking Lots, Platforms, and Sidewalks (SICOPS) to determine a helpful set of recommendations for salt applications that make business sense and proactively address environmental concerns associated with overapplication. Get started now! Download SIMA’s Best Practices Guidelines for Sustainable Salt Use


Save Money

Salt is an expense that you can manage. Learn to reduce salt application rates over time to save money and become more efficient.

Improve Documentation

Verifying service and being accountable is now more important in the industry than ever. Become more advanced in documenting salt management.

Benchmark Performance

Compare your application rates and trends with national results to see where you can improve management of salt.

Prepare For Regulations

Local, regional, and national governments are starting to pay attention to salinity levels in ground and surface water.

Serious About Salt

We seek leaders in the industry who are willing to invest in the process of collecting real-world data on salt application rates. After an initial investment in equipment, you will be outfitted with a web-based, GPS-enabled salt tracking system that automatically tracks material as sites are serviced. We will also provide some supplemental marketing materials for research participants so they can share with clients and prospects.