We Help You Achieve Sustainable Goals
WIT Advisers offers sustainable solutions for some of the toughest challenges in winter and landscape management.
Sustainable WInter Management PROGRAM (SWIM®)
We help businesses implement policies and practices to achieve progressive cost savings and the salt reduction targets established for an individual site or a portfolio of sites.
Ecological Landscape Management (ELM™)
We implement sustainable methods for property owners, facility/property managers and service providers to discover and implement better approaches to business management, as well as landscape maintenance and design.
Sustainable Salt Initiative (SSI™)
SSI seeks leaders in the industry who are willing to invest in the process of collecting real-world data on salt application rates. We use a salt tracking system that monitors material as sites are serviced.
We deliver resources for becoming good Stewards of the Environment, Reputation Enhancement & Adding Bottom Line Value.
Certify With SWiM®
The SWiM® Advantage ensures that property owners, managers, contractors and public officials effectively plan for and control costs, risks, quality of service, and environmental effects managing winter storms, all season, every season. Read the RIT SWiM® Impact Study.

Featured Article and Podcast
WIT Advisers is committed to sharing latest industry updates and best practices for sustainable landscape and winter management solutions.
WIT Featured Article

Mirror Lake Progress Highlighted at Annual Salt Summit
Mirror Lake progress highlighted at annual salt summit Adirondack Explorer Article by Zachary Matson
WIT Featured Podcast

Rethinking New York’s road salt practices
April 28, 2023 The Capitol Pressroom interview by David Lombardo – Adirondack Road Salt Reduction Task Force member Phill Sexton talks about how to reduce road salt usage, highlights the importance of good data and argues for a coordinated approach to keeping roads and bridges safe in the winter.

In the context of managing the risk of your business, sustainability is best defined within these principles of sustainability responsibilities: 1) economic 2) environmental and 3) social (reputation). These three are the foundation of any business to be truly sustainable.
What to Balance:
1. Principles: a) Economic, b) Environmental and c) Social Responsibilities.
2. VM²C: Vision, Mission, Mantra, and Culture.
3. 3 MITs: The three Most Important Things to focus on in any business include: a) Team, b) Clients and c) Assets.
© 2021Copyright P.C. Sexton WIT Companies, LLC – All rights reserved.
Collaboration You Can Trust
One of the best things about working collaboratively with people who bring different skill sets and backgrounds to the table is learning from their experience. WIT Advisers is building a community of businesses that are committed to being #BetterTogether & doing #WhateverItTakes
What Makes WIT Different
WIT was founded with intent to be an ‘Industry Disruptor’ that does whatever it takes (within our sphere of influence) to empower sustainability for people, businesses, and the environment to thrive. WIT is both a philosophy and business model whose mission includes helping other businesses grow, profit and protect the planet.
We Keep It Simple
Guided by K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Silly — we don’t believe saying stupid), we always start our engagement with new clients by implementing a Discovery to Solutions process. The Discovery process helps bring to light all aspects of your business challenges and opportunities. We then define opportunities to implement new or modified solutions strategies. We measure and track the results of these strategies and establish a reliable model for continuous assessment and improvement.
WIT Collaborative
The WIT Collaborative is a Cooperative (Co-Op) of Landscape and Winter Management companies throughout North America. We are a network of companies that support and hold each other accountable to following the highest standards of practice, professionalism and environmental responsibility.
We're Better Together
WIT Advisers, a division of WIT Companies, LLC, is committed to doing Whatever It Takes to DEVELOP, SUPPORT and EMPOWER sustainable solutions that enable people, businesses, and the environment to thrive.